Windows10到来之前,一般用户查看图片都用自带的照片查看器,勉强满足日常需求,速度也还行,虽然说仅仅是“勉强”吧,但也挺顺手的,可是Windows10到来之后,之前熟悉的照片查看器被默认隐藏了,取而代之的是一个叫“照片”的系统应用。这个应用我认为做得很失败,首先体验很差,速度慢,操作感觉完全是为触屏优化的,通俗点讲,操作有些“反人类”。有时候图片方向不对需要旋转一个方向查看,好家伙,无论多小的图片,点击旋转之后刚开始总会反应个两三秒。。。不想吐槽了,虽然Windows10可以通过修改注册表等手段重新开启Windows图片查看器,但是你正真操作过之后会发现速度也是出奇地慢,完全没有在win7上使用那么流畅,所以也就没啥意义了。至于开启方法,可以百度搜索看一下,很多相关教程。就这样,我试着在网上找了一些图片查看器,经过多次筛选之后得到了一个我非常满意的替代品,下面开始介绍今天的主角: Jpegview


“设定/管理”→“编辑使用者设定”,在ini文件中修改 DefaultWindowRectAutoZoomMode条目,设定为以下值:





; This user INI file has been created from template JPEGView.ini.tpl
; Settings in this file override the setting in the global INI file located in the EXE path

; Language used in the user interface. Set to 'auto' to use the language of the operating system.
; Other languages must use the ISO 639-1 language code (two letters)
; Currently supported:
; 'en'    English (default)
; 'es'    Spanish (Spain)
; 'es-ar' Spanish (latinoamerica)
; 'pt-br' Portuguese (Brasil)
; 'pt'    Portuguese
; 'de'    German
; 'it'    Italian
; 'fr'    French
; 'kr'    Korean
; 'zh'    Chinese
; 'zh-tw' Chinese (Taiwan)
; 'ja'    Japanese
; 'ro'    Romanian
; 'ru'    Russian
; 'sv'    Swedish
; 'cs'    Czech
; 'el'    Greek
; 'eu'    Basque
; 'bel'   Belorussian
; 'uk'    Ukrainian
; 'pl'    Polish
;其他语言必须使用ISO 639-1语言代码(两个字母)
; '英语'(默认)
; 'es'西班牙语(西班牙)
; 'es-ar'西班牙语(latinoamerica)
; 'pt-br'葡萄牙语(巴西)
; 'pt'portuguese
; 'de'德语
; '意大利人'
; 'fr'法国人
; 'kr'韩国人
; 'zh'中文
; 'Zh-TW'中文(台湾)
; 'JA'日本人
; '罗马尼亚人
; 'ru'俄语
; 'sv'瑞典语
; 'CS''Czech
; 'el'reik
; '欧盟'巴斯克
; 'Bel'Belorussian
; '英国'乌克兰语
; 'pl'抛光

; File endings of files to be decoded by WIC (Windows Image Converter)
; If the Microsoft Camera Codec pack is installed, full size camera RAW files can be read with WIC
; Add the file endings of the raw files to view here, e.g.
; FilesProcessedByWIC=*.wdp;*.hdp;*.jxr;*.nef
; filesprocessedbywic = *。WDP; *。HDP; *。JXR; *。NEF
filesprocessedbywic = *。WDP; *。HDP; *。JXR

; File endings of camera RAW files to be searched for embedded JPEG thumb images to display
; Reading just these embedded JPEGs is much faster than decoding the RAW using WIC

; If true, reloads the currently displayed image automatically when it is changed by an external program on disk.
; Also reloads the image list when a file in the current directory is added or deleted.
; Set to false to turn off this behavior.

; Background color, R G B, each component must be in [0..255], e.g. "128 128 128" for a middle gray
;背景颜色R G B,每个组件必须在[0..255]中,例如, “128 128 128”为中间灰色
BackgroundColor=0 0 0

; Color used for transparent parts of images, R G B format as used by BackgroundColor
;用于图像的透明部分的颜色,R G B格式如BackgroundColor所使用的
TransparencyColor=0 0 0

; GUI colors, R G B format as used by BackgroundColor
; GUI颜色,R G B格式由BackgroundColor使用
GUIColor=243 242 231
HighlightColor=255 205 0
SelectionColor=255 205 0
SliderColor=255 0 80
FileNameColor=255 255 255

; GUI font, format: "font name" fontSizeInPoints [bold]
; 'Default' for the default GUI font of Windows
; Example: DefaultGUIFont="Arial" 9.0 bold
; GUI字体,格式:“字体名称”fontsizeinpoints [bold]
; “默认”为Windows的默认GUI字体
;示例:defaultguifont =“Arial”9.0粗体

; Contrast correction to apply to all images. Must be in -0.5 .. 0.5
; Values > 0 increase contrast, values < 0 decrease contrast
;对比校正适用于所有图像。必须在-0.5 .. 0.5
;值> 0增加对比度,值<0减小对比度

; Gamma correction to apply to all images. Must be between 0.5 and 2
; Use gamma<1 to increase brightness and gamma>1 to decrease brightness
;使用Gamma <1增加亮度和伽马> 1以降低亮度

; Color saturation to apply to all images. Must be in 0.0 .. 2.0
; 0.0 means gray scale image, 1.0 no additional color saturation, 2.0 maximal saturation
;颜色饱和度适用于所有图像。必须是0.0 .. 2.0
; 0.0表示灰度图像,1.0无额外的颜色饱和度,2.0最大饱和度

; Sharpening to apply for downsampled images. Must be in 0 .. 0.5
; Note that for 100 % zoom, the BestQuality filter will not apply any sharpening, only the other filters do
;锐化申请下采样的图像。必须在0 .. 0.5

; Default parameters for unsharp masking: Radius Amount Threshold
; Note that no unsharp masking can be applied automatically to every image - this setting only provides the default parameters
; when entering the unsharp mask mode
; unsharp屏蔽的默认参数:RADIUS金额阈值
;请注意,没有unsharp屏蔽可以自动应用于每个图像 - 此设置仅提供默认参数
UnsharpMaskParameters=1.0 1.0 4.0

; Default parameters for controlling rotation and perspective correction

; Default color balance. Negative values for C,M,Y correction, positive for R,G,B.
; Values must be in -1.0 .. +1.0
;默认颜色余额。 C,M,Y校正的负值,R,G,B阳性。
;值必须在-1.0 .. +1.0

; Set to true to use high quality sampling as default.

; Start in full screen or windowed mode
; 'true' or 'false' to always start in full screen, respectively windowed mode
; 'auto' to choose best mode depending on image size of first image - windowed when it is small, full screen when it is large
; “真实”或“假”始终从全屏开始,分别窗口模式
; “自动”选择最佳模式,具体取决于第一映像的图像大小 - 当它很小时使用小窗口,当它很大时使用大的窗口

; Sets the default position and size of the window in window mode. Possible values:
; 'auto' for 2/3 of screen size
; 'max' to start with maximized window
; 'image' to adjust the window size automatically to the image size
; 'sticky' to automatically restore the last used window size (when ShowFullScreen=auto only the upper,left position is restored)
; 'left top right bottom', space separated e.g: 100 100 900 700
; “自动”屏幕尺寸的2/3
; 'max'以最大化的窗口开始
; “图像”以自动将窗口大小调整为图像大小
; “粘性”自动恢复最后使用的窗口大小(当Showfullscreen =自动仅恢复上部,左侧位置恢复)
; “左上右下”,空间分开e:100 100 900 700

; Contains the stored window rectangle in case of DefaultWindowRect=sticky
;在DefaultWindowRect =粘性的情况下包含存储的窗口矩形

; Minimal window size in windowed mode (in pixels)
MinimalWindowSize=320 240

; The initial crop window size when using 'Fixed Size' crop mode
DefaultFixedCropSize=320 200

; User defined crop aspect ratio (x y), meaning (x : y)
;用户定义的裁剪比(x y),意思(x:y)
UserCropAspectRatio=1 1

; Set to true to initially display the file name of each image in the upper, left corner of the screen

; The elements to show when showing the file name.
; Possible elements:
; %filename% : File name
; %filepath% : File name and path
; %index%    : Index of image in folder, e.g. [1/12]
; %zoom%     : Current zoom factor
; %size%     : Size of image in pixels (w x h)
; %filesize% : Size of image on disk
; %filename%:文件名
; %filepath%:文件名和路径
; %index%:文件夹中的图像索引,例如[1/12]
; %zoom%:电流缩放系数
; %size%:以像素为单位的大小(w x h)
; %filesize%:磁盘上的图像大小
FileNameFormat=%index%  %filepath% %filesize%

; Font for the file name display, see DefaultGUIFont key for the format

; Set to true to initially display the file info box (EXIF info if available)

; Show the acquisition date from EXIF data in the window title

; Set to true to show the histogram on the file info panel by default

; Set to true to show JPEG comments (EXIF user comment, EXIF image description or JPEG comment) in the file info box

; Set to true to show the bottom panel when moving the mouse to the bottom of the screen/window.
; The bottom panel provides basic image processing functionality

; Set to false if the navigation panel shall not be blended to the image

; Set to false to disable the thumbnail image blended in during zoom and pan

; Blending factor of the navigation panel when the mouse is not on that panel. Set to 0.0 to only
; show the panel when the mouse is over the panel

; Scaling factor for the navigation panel. Increase if the buttons on the panel are too small, e.g. on a touchscreen.

; Set to true to keep the zoom, pan, contrast, gamma, sharpen and rotation setting between the images 

; CPUType can be AutoDetect, Generic, MMX, SSE or AVX2
; Generic should work on all CPUs, MMX needs at least MMX II (starting from PIII)
; Use AutoDetect to detect the best possible algorithm to use
; cuptype可以是自动检测,通用,mmx,sse或avx2
;通用应该在所有CPU上工作,MMX至少需要MMX II(从PIII开始)

; Number of CPU cores used. Set to 0 for auto detection.
; Must be 1 to 4, or 0 for auto detect.

; Default print margin (all sides) in centimeters

; Default print width in centimeters. Use negative numbers to set the 'Fit to paper' printing mode.

; Units (centimeters, inches) used, one of 'auto', 'metric' or 'english'.
; 'auto' uses the system setting
; 'metric' uses the metric system, e.g. centimeters for length
; 'english' uses the English/US system, e.g. inches for length
; 'auto'使用系统设置
; “指标”使用公制系统,例如,厘米的长度
; '英语'使用英语/美国系统,例如,英寸的长度

; DownSamplingFilter can be BestQuality, NoAliasing or Narrow
; The BestQuality filter produces a very small amount of aliasing.
; The NoAliasing filter is a Lanczos filter that has almost no aliasing when sharpen is set to zero
; The Narrow filter produces quite a lot of aliasing but will sharpen much and also sharpens 100% images
; DownSamplingFilter可以是最佳,诺纳义齿或狭窄
; NoaliaIning滤波器是Lanczos过滤器,当锐化设置为零时几乎没有别名

; Sorting order of the files when displaying the image files in a folder
; Can be LastModDate, CreationDate, FileName, FileSize or Random

; Sort files upcounting or downcounting

; Navigation within or between folders
; LoopFolder : Loop within the source folder and never leave this folder
; LoopSameFolderLevel: Loop to next folder on the same hierarchy level (sibling folders)
; LoopSubFolders: Loop into subfolders of the source folder
; LoopF​​older:源文件夹中的循环,切勿离开此文件夹
; loopsamefolderlevel:循环到同一层次结构级别的下一个文件夹(兄弟姐妹文件夹)

; If true, the mouse wheel can be used to navigate forward and backward and zoom must be done with Ctrl-MouseWheel
; If false, zoom is done with the mousewheel (no Ctrl required)

; Zoom speed with mouse wheel, 1.0 means default speed, smaller values slower zoom, larger faster zoom

; Minimal display time of an image when using the PgDn/PgUp keys (in milliseconds [0..1000 ms])
;使用PGDN / PGUP键时图像的最小显示时间(以毫秒为单位[0..1000 ms])
MinimalDisplayTime = 0.0

; If true, the extended mouse buttons (Forward and backward) are exchanged compared to Internet explorer
; This is useful to put the 'go to next image' functionality to the button that is better reachable

; If true the files in a folder are shown with wrap around, thus going from last to first image and vice versa
; If false navigation stops on the last and first image

; If true, JPEG images are auto rotated according to EXIF image orientation tag if present.

; If true, embedded ICC color profiles are used for JPEG and TIFF. This forces using GDI+ for JPEGs and therefore
; results in much slower loading of JPEGs! Only set to true if you really need this.
;如果为true,则嵌入式ICC颜色配置文件用于JPEG和TIFF。这种力使用GDI +对于JPEG和因此

; Auto zoom mode (for window mode only if AutoZoomModeFullscreen is present)
; FitNoZoom : Fit images to screen, never enlarge image
; FillNoZoom : Fill screen with no black borders, crop if necessary but not too much, never enlarge image
; Fit : Fit images to screen
; Fill : Fill screen with no black borders, crop if necessary
; fitnozoom:适合图像到屏幕,永远不会放大图像
; Fillnozoom:填充屏幕没有黑色边界,裁剪如有必要,但不是太多,永远不会放大图像

; Auto zoom mode for fullscreen mode. If empty, same value as 'AutoZoomMode' is used.

; Maximum size of slide show text files in KB

; Transition effect for slide shows in full screen mode - ignored when used in window mode
; Possible transition effects: None, Blend, SlideRL, SlideLR, SlideTB, SlideBT, RollRL, RollLR, RollTB, RollBT, ScrollRL, ScrollLR, ScrollTB, ScrollBT
;幻灯片的过渡效果在全屏模式下显示 - 在窗口模式下使用时忽略

; Time of the slide show transition effect in milliseconds, only used in full screen mode

; If set to true, only one single instance of JPEGView runs at any time, if false multiple instances are allowed
; Set to true to open all images in the same JPEGView window.

; If set to true, only one single instance of JPEGView runs in full screen mode, if false multiple instances are allowed
; The value is ignored if SingleInstance=true
;如果singleInstance = true,则忽略该值

; Set to true to skip the 'File Open' dialog when starting JPEGView without providing a file name as parameter

; Force using GDI+ for reading JPEGS. Only use when you have problems reading your JPEGs with the default Turbo JPEG library.
; Note that using GDI+ is slower than the Turbo JPEG JPEG library!
;使用GDI +读取JPEG的力。只有在使用默认turbo jpeg库读取jpegs时才能使用。
;请注意,使用GDI +比Turbo JPEG JPEG库慢!

; Quality when saving JPEG files (in 0..100 where 100 is the highest quality)

; Quality when saving WEBP files with lossy compression (in 0..100 where 100 is the highest quality)

; Default format for saving files. Supported formats: jpg, bmp, png, tif, webp

; Set to true to create a parameter DB entry when saving an image with JPEGView to avoid processing it again

; If set to true, Ctrl-S overrides the original file on disk, applying the current processings without
; showing a dialog or prompting the user to confirm.
; CAUTION: Use at your own risk! Be aware that the original image file is overridden and cannot be restored anymore!

; If set to true, lossless JPEG transformations will trim the image as needed without prompting the user.
; This will remove 15 pixel rows/columns at the image borders in worst case.
; CAUTION: Use at your own risk! Be aware that the original image file is overridden and the trimmed borders cannot be restored anymore!

; Type of confirmation required when deleting a file with the 'x' button on the navigation panel
; Possible values: Never, OnlyWhenNoRecycleBin, Always
; OnlyWhenNoRecycleBin means to only require a confirmation when there is no recycle bin available (e.g. on memory sticks)
; Notice: Does not apply to deleting files with the Del key. To change this edit the KeyMap.txt and assign another command to the Del key.

; Set to false to disallow deletion of images in JPEGView. This hides the 'x' button on the navigation panel
; and disables the commands for deletion (IDM_MOVE_TO_RECYCLE_BIN etc.)

; Set to true to show the menu item that allows editing the global INI file

; Only for multi-monitor systems!
; Monitor to start the application on
; -1: Use monitor with largest resolution, primary monitor if several monitors have the same resolution
;  0: Use primary monitor
;  1...n: Use the non-primary monitor with index n
; -1:使用最大分辨率的显示器,主监视器如果多个监视器具有相同的分辨率
; 0:使用主监视器
; 1 ... N:使用索引n的非主监视器

; Automatic contrast correction by histogram equalization
; F5 enables/disables the correction on the current image.
; F5启用/禁用当前图像上的校正。

; Using the following two keys, it is possible to explicitly exclude/include folders from the contrast correction.
; More specific patterns have precedence over less specific patterns and inclusion has precedence over exclusion if
; a folder matches both. Example: '*\pics\orig\* has precedence over *\pics\* because it is more specific
; Use the ; character to separate two expressions.
; Example: ACCExclude=%mypictures%\Digicam\edited\*;*.bmp
; This will exclude all files in the ..\My Pictures\Digicam\edited\ folder and all its subfolders and all bmp files
; from automatic contrast correction.
; The following two placeholders are recognized:
;   %mypictures%  : "My documents\My Pictures" folder
;   %mydocuments% : "My documents" folder
;文件夹匹配两者。示例:'* \ Pics \ ORIG \ *优先于* \ PICS \ *因为它更具体
;使用 ;字符分离两个表达式。
;示例:Accexclude =%mypictures%\ digicam \编辑\ *; *。BMP
;这将排除在... \ my图片\ digicam \ redited \ folder和所有子文件夹和所有bmp文件中的所有文件
; %mypictures%:“我的文件\我的图片”文件夹
; %mydocuments%:“我的文档”文件夹

; Amount of automatic contrast correction
; 0 means no contrast correction, 1 means full (to black and white point) contrast correction. Must be in (0 .. 1)
; 0表示没有对比校正,1表示完全(黑白点)对比度校正。必须在(0 .. 1)

; Amount of color correction in the color channels reg, green, blue, cyan, magenta and yellow
; The numbers must be between 0.0 (no correction) and 1.0 (total correction towards the gray world model)
ColorCorrection = "R: 0.2 G: 0.1 B: 0.35 C: 0.1 M: 0.3 Y: 0.15"

; Amount of automatic brightness correction
; 0 means no brightness correction, 1 means full correction to middle gray. Must be in (0 .. 1)
; 0表示没有亮度校正,1表示对中间灰色的完全校正。必须在(0 .. 1)

; Automatic correction of local density (local brightness of images)
; Can be enabled/disabled on the image with F6

; See remark about exclusion/inclusion at the ACCExclude setting.
; The same applies to these settings.

; Amount of local density correction of shadows
; Can be in [0, 1]

; Deep shadow steepness of enhancement
; Can be in [0, 1], values bigger than 0.9 are not recommended

; Amount of local density correction of highlights
; Can be in [0, 1]

; Parameter set used in landscape enhancement mode
; Space separated, use -1 to leave parameter untouched
; Contrast Gamma Sharpen ColorCorrection ContrastCorrection LightenShadows DarkenHighlights DeepShadows CyanRed MagentaGreen YellowBlue Saturation
LandscapeModeParams=-1 -1 -1 -1 0.5 1.0 0.75 0.4 -1 -1 -1 -1

; Set to true to turn on landscape enhancement mode automatically

; When setting a processed image as desktop wallpaper, the processed image must be saved somewhere.
; This INI setting sets the path to save the file. Default is %temp%, the system TEMP directory. You must have write access to the specified directory!

; Editor for INI files
; notepad : Use notepad.exe
; system : Use application registered for INI files
; other : Full path to application for editing INI files, %exepath% placeholder can be used
; INI文件的编辑器

; URL for the map provider to display GPS coordinates on a map
; OpenStreetmap:{lat}&mlon={lng}&zoom=15
; Google maps:{lat},{lng}
;}&mlon= {lng} &zoom=15
;谷歌地图: {lat},alng}

; User commands
; User command must be named UserCmd# where # stands for a number. The numbers 0 to 2 are already used by the global INI file.
; User command must have the following form:
; UserCmd#="KeyCode: %Key% Cmd: '%Cmd%' [Confirm: '%confirm%'] [HelpText: '%help%'] [Flags: '%flags%']"
; %Key% :   Key that invokes the command. Do not define keys already used by JPEGView.
;           The following keys are known: Alt, Ctrl, Shift, Esc, Return, Space, End, Home, Back, Tab, PgDn, PgUp,
;           Left, Right, Up, Down, Insert, Del, Plus, Minus, Mul, Div, Comma, Period, A .. Z  F1 .. F12
;           Combine modifier keys with +, e.g. 'Alt+Ctrl+P'
; %Cmd% :   Application to start, including command arguments. Enclose the application name with double quotes ("") if the path contains
;           spaces. To execute command line commands or batch files, use 'cmd /c command' respectively 'cmd /c MyBatchFile.bat'.
;           The following placeholders can be used in the %cmd% argument:
;           %filename%   : Filename of current image, including path
;           %filetitle%  : Filename of current image, excluding path
;           %directory%  : Directory or current image, without trailing backslash
;           %mydocuments%: The 'My Documents' folder without trailing backslash
;           %mypictures% : The 'My Pictures' folder without trailing backslash
;           %exepath%    : Path to EXE folder where JPEGView is running
;           %exedrive%   : Drive letter of the EXE path, e.g. "c:"
;           The resulting names are enclosed with double quotes automatically by JPEGView when no backslash is before or after the placeholder.
; %confirm% : Message text that is shown and must be confirmed before the command is executed. 
;           This is an optional argument, if not used, no confirmation is needed for the command.
; %help% :  Help string that is displayed in JPEG view when F1 is pressed.
;           This is an optional argument, if not used, no help text will be available.
; %flags% : The following flags are supported:
;           NoWindow :         For console applications - if set do not display a console window.
;                              If the started application is the command interpreter (cmd.exe) this flag is implicitly set.
;           ShortFilename :    If set, the short (8.3) file name (and path) is passed to the executing application.
;                              Set this flag if the executing application cannot handle long file names or files and path
;                              names containing spaces.
;           WaitForTerminate : If set, JPEGView is blocked until the command has finished execution. If not set, the command is
;                              started and JPEGView continues.
;           MoveToNext :       If set, JPEGView moves to the next image in the folder after the command has been executed.
;                              Cannot be combined with the ReloadCurrent flag.
;           ReloadFileList :   If set, the file-list of the current folder is reloaded after execution of the command. Set this
;                              flag when the command modifies the content of the folder (e.g. moves, renames or deletes files).
;           ReloadCurrent :    If set, the currently shown file is re-loaded from disk after execution of the command.
;                              Set this flag if the command changes the pixel data of the current image.
;           ReloadAll:         If set, the file-list of the current folder is reloaded and the current image and all cached images
;                              are reloaded. Set this flag only if the command changes pixel data of images other than the current.
;           KeepModDate:       Keeps the modification date/time of the current image. Can be used to preserve this time stamp
;                              when modifications on the image are done to keep sort ordering.
;                              Caution: When using this flag, always combine with the WaitForTerminate flag!
;           ShellExecute:      Uses the ShellExecute() system call to start the external process instead of CreateProcess().
;                              Some applications do not start properly with CreateProcess(). If this flag is set, the WaitForTerminate
;                              must not be used. All flags requiring WaitForTerminate to be set must not be set either.
;                              Typically ShellExecute is set to start large external applications, e.g. an image editor.

; IMPORTANT: Start with UserCmd1 except you want to override the Delete image command

; Here are some examples for user commands
;UserCmd1="KeyCode: Ctrl+P  Cmd: 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\mspaint.exe /p %filename%' Confirm: 'Do you really want to print the file %filename%?' HelpText: 'P\tPrint current image'"
;UserCmd2="KeyCode: Q  Cmd: 'cmd /c move %filename% "%mypictures%\trash\' Confirm: 'Really move file to %mypictures%\trash\%filetitle%' HelpText: 'Q\tMove file to trash directory' Flags: 'WaitForTerminate ReloadFileList MoveToNext'"
;UserCmd3="KeyCode: W  Cmd: 'cmd /c copy %filename% "%mypictures%\trash\%filetitle%"' Confirm: 'Really copy file to %mypictures%\trash\%filetitle%' HelpText: 'W\tCopy file to trash directory' Flags: 'WaitForTerminate'"
;UserCmd4="KeyCode: A  Cmd: 'cmd /u /c echo %filename% >> "%mydocuments%\test.txt"' HelpText: 'A\tAppend to file list'"

; Open with menu commands, shown in the 'Open with..' submenu of the JPEGView context menu.
; These commands must be named OpenWith# where # stands for a number. The first open with command has the number zero (OpenWith0)
; and the numbering of the commands must be continuous.
; Open with commands must have the following form:
; OpenWith#="Cmd: '%Cmd%' Menuitem: '%menu%' [KeyCode: %Key%] [Confirm: '%confirm%'] [Flags: '%flags%']"
; For an explanation of the different options, refer to the user command documentation above.
; Example for a menu entry that opens the current image in MS Paint:
;OpenWith0="Cmd: 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\mspaint.exe %filename%' Menuitem: 'Microsoft Paint' Flags: 'ShellExecute'"